Some years ago I was listening to the Old Testament while commuting to work. I really enjoyed it and I learned quite a bit. There was one story that I keep thinking back to and wondered why we dont talk about it, as I think it is very meaningful.
While the children of Isreal were wondering in the wilderness a group came to Moses and told him "Hey we are tired of wondering in the wilderness and we want to make our own decisions. So could you give us the priesthood and we will make our own thing." Pretty brave right! Well Mose didn't respond to them. He went to their nieghbors and told them they needed to move their camps back away from these people. As soon as they did the desert opened up and swallow them. Guess they got their answer.
I went back to try and figure out what we are trying to be told her and there wasnt anything obvious. So to try and understand this you have to ask the questions. Who was blessed by following the word of the prophet. Many of the lessons in the scriptures are left unexplained. You have to connect the dots.
I think the story of Zenniff is similair. He and his family get home sick and decide to go back to the land of first inheritance that Nephi and his family fled because of the Lamanites. So basically they are leaving the prophet and the scripture and go to a place where they will not have the protection of a prophet.
There story has some similairites to the people of King Benjamin except they weren't as successful. They were paying the Laminites half of eveything they had. King Benjamin protected his kingdom and brought peace to them. It got so bad for the people of Zenniff that they thought it would be better to go back to their family and be their servants.
Interesting connection here. That is what the prodigal son thought. But you say Bro B that was written century laters and shouldn't be connected. But I say no the same supreme being that directed the writings fo these words would have wanted us to make this connection. The story of Zenniff is another telling of the prodigal son. We are also being taught the importants of prophets and scriptures. They didnt have scripture, they found scriptures but couldnt translate them. They needed a seer to do that.
Prophets and the writings of prophets are very important.